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새해 첫 마인크래프트 1.13 18W01A 스냅샷 업데이트

2018.01.04 조회 수 1255 추천 수 0
플랫폼 자바 에디션 (JE) 



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마인크래프트 1.13 18W01A 스냅샷 업데이트 내역




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오늘 마인크래프트에서 새로운 스냅샷을 발표하였습니다.

잔말 말고 바로 시작해 보도록 하겠습니다.

18W01A의 바뀐점

  • /teleport, /tp 에 시선변경(facing) 기능이 추가되었습니다.
  • function 기능에 set_name 이라는 루트 테이블이 추가되었습니다.
  • minecraft:load 라는 function 태그가 추가되었습니다
  • /time set 기능에 noon과 midnight 가 추가되었습니다
  • Crach reports에는 이제 사용 가능한 데이터 팩만 표시됩니다.
  • 버그수정[X60개]

까지가 이번 스냅샷에서 바뀐 점 입니다.

이제 뭐가 바뀌었는지 보겠습니다.

제가 function은 정말 모르겠어서 빼겠습니다... 죄송합니다.


1. /teleport, /tp 에 시선변경(facing) 기능이 추가되었습니다.

  - 이것은 플레이어의 시선을 목표 플레이어를 바라보게 하는 명령어 입니다.

    만약 제가 허공을 바라보는데 명령어가 실행되면 그 플레이어를 보는 기능입니다

    그런데 개발초기인지 execute는 먹는데 이걸 커맨드블럭으로는 실행이 불가능 했습니다.(2018-01-04일 기준)

    그래도 좋은 기능인 것 같습니다.

2. /time set 기능에 noon과 midnight 가 추가되었습니다.

  - 원래 time set에 day(새벽)와 night(이른저녁)만 있었는데 noon(정오), midnight(자정)이 추가되었습니다.


까지가 이번 스냅샷 변경사항입니다.

개인적으로 저는 이번 업데이트에 night skies가 나올 줄 알았는데 아직 안나왔더라구요.

어쨌든 저는 다음 업데이트에 오겠습니다.




  |  원문 & 참고글 출처


  1. https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-18w01a

4개의 댓글


버그수정내용은 귀찮아서 안올리시나요? 궁금한데..


Fixed bug MC-2340 - Redstone torches schedule updates when they should not, causing unreliable timings.

Fixed bug MC-9194 - A Comparator can lock a Repeater, but the Repeater doesn't look like it is locked

Fixed bug MC-64836 - Mobs "control" the minecart they are riding

Fixed bug MC-71401 - Tab list ignores initial display name of players

Fixed bug MC-112693 - Scoreboard team colors use raw § formatting instead of text components

Fixed bug MC-112742 - Name of unnamed villager is rendered with TeamColor instead of prefix and suffix of scoreboard team

Fixed bug MC-112743 - Glowing outline and spectator GUI use prefix color instead of TeamColor

Fixed bug MC-121331 - Client crashes when minimizing game while server disconnect window is displayed

Fixed bug MC-121379 - Functions, advancements and loot tables allow other filetypes than .mcfunction and .json

Fixed bug MC-121719 - Enchantment GUI's book opening and closing animation is rendered at approximatly 20fps, even if actual framerate is higher

Fixed bug MC-121759 - Item particle command doesn't work with blocks or items that derive their models from entity textures.

Fixed bug MC-121804 - "/publish" can be executed from command blocks

Fixed bug MC-121827 - Selectors and scoreboards not working for signs (works correctly for books, /tellraw, and /title)

Fixed bug MC-121889 - Animated Texture Interpolate causing crashes

Fixed bug MC-121891 - Animated texture ignoring frames acting non-iteratively

Fixed bug MC-121897 - Gaps in an animation's used frames throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Fixed bug MC-121913 - Log files are HUGE (5GB) because Brigadier also logs errors continuously.

Fixed bug MC-121934 - execute sub-commands only run (for each entity), if the next sub-command runs at least one command for each entity

Fixed bug MC-122053 - Mouse wheel/touchpad scroll amount is ignored

Fixed bug MC-122057 - /teleport x_rotation and y_rotation being swapped

Fixed bug MC-122118 - /tp @s ~ ~ ~ acts like an absolute teleport, killing all momentum

Fixed bug MC-122188 - Vanilla structure files aren’t updated yet causing missing/wrong blocks

Fixed bug MC-122409 - You can't open Chests under Leaves / Glowstone / Sea lantern / Ice / Frosted ice

Fixed bug MC-122431 - '/scoreboard players get' shows message with '%s' when no score is set

Fixed bug MC-122487 - Randomized blockstates do not apply full models

Fixed bug MC-122493 - Boats fall through blocks when slightly intersecting with water

Fixed bug MC-122503 - /title or /tellraw score component with fake players returns "No entity was found"

Fixed bug MC-122609 - '/scoreboard players reset * objective' does not work

Fixed bug MC-122724 - Blockstates not working properly with two model options

Fixed bug MC-122828 - 32768 is specified as the maximum allowed area size for the fill command, but is not allowed

Fixed bug MC-122897 - Overwriting structure containing signs InvalidArgumentException

Fixed bug MC-123039 - Hitting a key in the creative mode inventory search resets scrollbar

Fixed bug MC-123067 - Wall-mounted banners / skulls are treated as full blocks

Fixed bug MC-123110 - Bowl can't be used in furnace as fuel

Fixed bug MC-123117 - Strange lighting by slabs / stairs / grass path / farmland

Fixed bug MC-123131 - Hopper and hopper minecart item pickup area too small/low

Fixed bug MC-123135 - Standing on half block / stairs / grass path / farmland gives "cave effect" to sky

Fixed bug MC-123138 - Placing double-grass on the lower half of a double-grass block removes the upper half

Fixed bug MC-123159 - Gravity-affected blocks, such as sand, do not fall when the block underneath them is pulled by a piston

Fixed bug MC-123162 - Placing a grass path under a block makes the block disappear

Fixed bug MC-123168 - advanced tooltips hide map numbers

Fixed bug MC-123183 - Cannot eat plantable items when looking at blocks

Fixed bug MC-123184 - "Pick Block" on empty flower pots does nothing

Fixed bug MC-123221 - Item frames placed on the ground z-fight with pressure plates

Fixed bug MC-123277 - Too long scoreboard objectives and team names are not detected when commands are parsed

Fixed bug MC-123304 - "Ticking block entity" NullPointerException Game crash 64 Pistons in 1 chunk

Fixed bug MC-123305 - JSON text throws syntax error when JSON is more than 1024 characters long

Fixed bug MC-123312 - Pressure plate tables in villages are still oak instead of village type specific wood

Fixed bug MC-123322 - Structures placed by structure blocks do not update connecting blocks on the outside or inside of the structure

Fixed bug MC-123331 - 'execute if/unless score' sets the score to 0 if unset

Fixed bug MC-123360 - /teleport tries to centre-correct the y-axis

Fixed bug MC-123388 - "execute store" on "double" data types uses only 'float' rather than 'double' precision in intermediate scale

Fixed bug MC-123401 - In commands, block states are attempted to be read after the end of the previous value

Fixed bug MC-123459 - Error when reading pack.mcmeta of data or resource packs shows default string representation

Fixed bug MC-123562 - Replacing vanilla data (except for tags) simply doesn't work on Apple devices.

Fixed bug MC-123708 - clearCustomName() and hasDisplayName() inconsistent


음 그렇쿤요 음 음음음음음 알겠음네요음 


오오 불편한게 많이 해결됐으면 좋겠네요

뉴스 및 창작물


마인크래프트 1.21 정식 업데이트






[노트블럭 커버] 팬서비스/mona 【 HoneyWorks 】






《까다로운 시련》 업데이트 날짜 공개 및 정보






마인크래프트 노트블록버전 『 봄을 고하다 (春を告げる) 』 [더블옥타브 버전]






마인크래프트 노트블록으로 만든 『 봄을 고하다 (春を告げる) 』 1






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