이해도 | 초보자 |
게임버전 (JE) | 1.20.1 |
게임버전 (BE) | 관련없음 |
스크립트 버전 | 2.8.3 |
on fishing:
if {직업.%player%} is "어부 2차":
if fishing state is CAUGHT_FISH:
set {raw cod} to ItemsAdder.getCustomItem("coin:godeung")
set {raw cod} to ItemsAdder.getCustomItem("coin:galchi")
set {raw cod} to ItemsAdder.getCustomItem("coin:myulchi")
set {raw cod} to ItemsAdder.getCustomItem("coin:junguri")
set {raw cod} to ItemsAdder.getCustomItem("coin:domi")
set {raw cod} to ItemsAdder.getCustomItem("coin:chungu")
set {raw cod} to ItemsAdder.getCustomItem("coin:uruck")
set {raw cod} to ItemsAdder.getCustomItem("coin:songu")
set {_int} to random integer between 1 and 100
if {_int} is between 1 and 8:
set item of fishing caught entity to ItemsAdder.getCustomItem("coin:godeung") named "&3고등어"
if {_int} is between 9 and 16:
set item of fishing caught entity to ItemsAdder.getCustomItem("coin:galchi") named "&3갈치"
if {_int} is between 17 and 24:
set item of fishing caught entity to ItemsAdder.getCustomItem("coin:myulchi") named "&3멸치"
if {_int} is between 25 and 32:
set item of fishing caught entity to ItemsAdder.getCustomItem("coin:junguri") named "&3정어리"
if {_int} is between 33 and 40:
set item of fishing caught entity to ItemsAdder.getCustomItem("coin:domi") named "&3도미"
if {_int} is between 41 and 48:
set item of fishing caught entity to ItemsAdder.getCustomItem("coin:chungu") named "&3청어"
if {_int} is between 49 and 56:
set item of fishing caught entity to ItemsAdder.getCustomItem("coin:uruck") named "&3우럭"
if {_int} is between 57 and 64:
set item of fishing caught entity to ItemsAdder.getCustomItem("coin:songu") named "&3송어"
if {_int} is between 65 and 76:
set item of fishing caught entity to cod
if {_int} is between 77 and 84:
set item of fishing caught entity to salmon
if {_int} is between 85 and 93:
set item of fishing caught entity to tropical fish
if {_int} is between 94 and 100:
set item of fishing caught entity to pufferfish
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