개인 자료란 (JE)

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Profile 한마포 일반인

_FreeRoute_ 3bfdc013ee404a289b456efb141df84f



[스피곳 탑재] 1.5.2 일반버킷

2016.03.28 조회 수 51615 추천 수 11

83개의 댓글

server 메모장에 입력하신 아이피로는 서버를 열으실 수 없다는 소리랍니다
공유기를 사용하시는 상태에서는 일반 컴퓨터 아이피로 서버를 열으실 수 없으니 공유기 포트포워딩 작업을 통해 컴퓨터 아이피로 서버를 열으시거나
하미치 프로그램을 설치하셔서 하마치 아이피로 서버를 열어주세여, 도메인의 경우 도메인과 연결되어있는 컴퓨터 아이피를 server-ip= 부분에 적어주셔야
서버를 정상적으로 열으실 수 있답니다
하마치로는 어떻게 여나요
아니면 공유기 포트포워딩 작업은 어떡게 하나요?
따로 네이버 검색을 이용하시거나 프마포 사이트에서 PC 자료 - 버킷 - 자세한 팁 게시판의 게시글들을 참고해주시기 바랍니다~
프리루트님 플러그인은 어떻게 적용하나요?
원하시는 플러그인 파일을 다운받으셔서 plugins 폴더안에 넣어주셔야 되지여
다만 1.5.2 버전용 서버에서는 자바7 버전으로 서버를 열어주셔야 되니 참고!
(컴퓨터에 자바7 버전만 설치되어있어야 합니다, 다른 자바 버전들은 모두 삭제해주셔야 되구여)
제가 다운로드를 받고 실행을 했습니다.
여러가지 플러그인을 넣고 접속을 했어요
그런데 저 말고 다른사람이 들어오면
갑자기 서버에서 다 팅기네요
어떻게 할수있는 방법 없을까요??
일단 자바 7 버전으로 서버를 열으셨는지 확인해보시고 만약 자바7 버전이 설치되어있지 않으면 http://freeroute.tistory.com/158 여기 게시글을 통해서 자바7 버전을 설치해주시고 서버를 구동시켜보세여 (제어판 - 프로그램 추가/제거에 들어가셔서 자바7 버전외에 다른 버전의 자바가 설치되어있다면 모두 지워주시구여)

그래도 안되신다면 문의게시판에다가 아래 내용을 꼭 참고하셔서 문의해주세여

1. 서버구동기 창에 어떤 문구들이 뜨면서 서버가 튕기는지
2. 튕기는 현상이 발생할 때 서버에서 튕긴 유저의 마인크래프트 창에는 어떤 오류문구가 뜨는지
맵은 어떻게 설정하나여 탈출맵이 하고시퍼서....

램할당은 우쨰하는지 ㅎ..

프리루트님 멀티할래고 하는데 1사람바께못있어요 ㅠㅠ
can't keep up! did the system time change.or is the server over loaded?
어느분이 이런문구가 뜬다는데 어떡하죠?
근데 이거 깔아도 바이러스 안먹죠?
바이러스가 있는 파일은 프마포를 통해서 절대로 배포하지 않습니다 참고해주세여~
저기 저걸깔았는데 minecraft.jar파일이 없어서 안된다는데요...
오 감사합니다

│ 프리루트의 마인크래프트 서버파일을 이용해주셔서 감사함다.

│ 프리루트의 구동기가 서버에 이용할 자바를 자동으로
│ 탐지하고 있습니다. 잠시만 기다려주세요 :D

│ * 참고사항 : 이제 서버를 종료하실 때 stop 명령어를 치시면
│ 서버가 정상적으로 종료되니 참고해주세요~

Error: Unable to access jarfile 1.5.2.jar
계속하려면 아무 키나 누르십시오 . . .
이렇게 뜨는데 왜이러죠...
파일 다운로드 부분 내용 확인바랍니다 :) 게시글에 적혀있는 내용을 정확하게 읽고 그대로 따라해주세요

loading BuildTools Version: git-BuildTools-f56c384-64 <#64>

You must run this jar through bash <msysgit>

이라고 뜨는데 어떻게 해야 될까요?


하마치않쓰고 하는법은 없나요???



위 링크의 서버 여는 방법 게시글에 적혀있듯이 노하마치, 즉 일반 컴퓨터 아이피로도 서버를 열으실 수 있습니다.

자세한 내용은 위 링크의 게시글을 참고해주세요



│   프리루트의 마인크래프트 서버파일을 이용해주셔서 감사함다.

│   프리루트의 구동기가 서버에 이용할 자바를 자동으로
│      탐지하고 있습니다. 잠시만 기다려주세요 :D

│  * 참고사항 : 이제 서버를 종료하실 때 stop 명령어를 치시면
│                    서버가 정상적으로 종료되니 참고해주세요~

*** WARNING *** Outdated Java detected (51.0). Minecraft >= 1.12 requires at least Java 8.
*** WARNING *** You may use java -version to double check your Java version.
Loading BuildTools version: git-BuildTools-3346dd9-71 (#71)
*** Using downloaded git PortableGit-2.15.0-64-bit\PortableGit ***
*** Please note that this is a beta feature, so if it does not work please also try a manual install of git from https://git-for-windows.github.io/ ***
git version 2.16.1.windows.4
[email protected]
Attempting to build version: 'latest' use --rev <version> to override
Found version
        "name": "1526",
        "description": "Jenkins build 1526",
        "refs": {
                "BuildData": "a9c4523879abc011821f06283dd468c67c3b0097",
                "Bukkit": "c03d8909d9822d1e8fe62a2e1550ae765f940893",
                "CraftBukkit": "f4ca1805d6e826d779a9593b882a1aec398dd7e4",
                "Spigot": "4bd94dc87d622db89bd58f414ffa479348775e88"
        "toolsVersion": 47

Pulling updates for C:\Users\우리가족\Downloads\스피곳_프리루트_1.5.2_서버구동기\BuildData\.git
Successfully fetched updates!
Checked out: a9c4523879abc011821f06283dd468c67c3b0097
Pulling updates for C:\Users\우리가족\Downloads\스피곳_프리루트_1.5.2_서버구동기\Bukkit\.git
Successfully fetched updates!
Checked out: c03d8909d9822d1e8fe62a2e1550ae765f940893
Pulling updates for C:\Users\우리가족\Downloads\스피곳_프리루트_1.5.2_서버구동기\CraftBukkit\.git
Successfully fetched updates!
Checked out: f4ca1805d6e826d779a9593b882a1aec398dd7e4
Pulling updates for C:\Users\우리가족\Downloads\스피곳_프리루트_1.5.2_서버구동기\Spigot\.git
Successfully fetched updates!
Checked out: 4bd94dc87d622db89bd58f414ffa479348775e88
Attempting to build Minecraft with details: VersionInfo(minecraftVersion=1.12.2, accessTransforms=bukkit-1.12.2.at, classMappings=bukkit-1.12.2-cl.csrg, memberMappings=bukkit-1.12.2-members.csrg, packageMappings=package.srg, minecraftHash=71728ed3fbd0acd1394bf3ade2649a5c, decompileCommand=java -jar BuildData/bin/fernflower.jar -dgs=1 -hdc=0 -asc=1 -udv=0 {0} {1}, serverUrl=https://launcher.mojang.com/mc/game/1.12.2/server/886945bfb2b978778c3a0288fd7fab09d315b25f/server.jar)
Found good Minecraft hash (71728ed3fbd0acd1394bf3ade2649a5c)
Found good Minecraft hash (71728ed3fbd0acd1394bf3ade2649a5c)
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.4:install-file (default-cli) @ standalone-pom ---
[INFO] Installing C:\Users\우리가족\Downloads\스피곳_프리루트_1.5.2_서버구동기\work\mapped.cf6b1333.jar to C:\Users\우리가족\.m2\repository\org\spigotmc\minecraft-server\1.12.2-SNAPSHOT\minecraft-server-1.12.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 0.662 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-02-12T19:21:57+09:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 5M/122M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Applying CraftBukkit Patches
Backing up NMS dir
Patching with Advancement.patch
Patching with AdvancementDataPlayer.patch
Patching with AdvancementRewards.patch
Patching with Advancements.patch
Patching with Block.patch
Patching with BlockButtonAbstract.patch
Patching with BlockCactus.patch
Patching with BlockCake.patch
Patching with BlockCauldron.patch
Patching with BlockChorusFlower.patch
Patching with BlockCocoa.patch
Patching with BlockCommand.patch
Patching with BlockConcretePowder.patch
Patching with BlockCrops.patch
Patching with BlockDaylightDetector.patch
Patching with BlockDiodeAbstract.patch
Patching with BlockDispenser.patch
Patching with BlockDoor.patch
Patching with BlockDragonEgg.patch
Patching with BlockDropper.patch
Patching with BlockEnderPortal.patch
Patching with BlockFire.patch
Patching with BlockFlowing.patch
Patching with BlockFluids.patch
Patching with BlockGrass.patch
Patching with BlockIce.patch
Patching with BlockJukeBox.patch
Patching with BlockLeaves.patch
Patching with BlockLever.patch
Patching with BlockMagma.patch
Patching with BlockMinecartDetector.patch
Patching with BlockMobSpawner.patch
Patching with BlockMonsterEggs.patch
Patching with BlockMushroom.patch
Patching with BlockMycel.patch
Patching with BlockNetherWart.patch
Patching with BlockOre.patch
Patching with BlockPiston.patch
Patching with BlockPlant.patch
Patching with BlockPortal.patch
Patching with BlockPoweredRail.patch
Patching with BlockPressurePlateAbstract.patch
Patching with BlockPressurePlateBinary.patch
Patching with BlockPressurePlateWeighted.patch
Patching with BlockPumpkin.patch
Patching with BlockRedstoneLamp.patch
Patching with BlockRedstoneOre.patch
Patching with BlockRedstoneTorch.patch
Patching with BlockRedstoneWire.patch
Patching with BlockReed.patch
Patching with BlockSapling.patch
Patching with BlockShulkerBox.patch
Patching with BlockSkull.patch
Patching with BlockSnow.patch
Patching with BlockSnowBlock.patch
Patching with BlockSoil.patch
Patching with BlockStationary.patch
Patching with BlockStem.patch
Patching with BlockTallPlant.patch
Patching with BlockTNT.patch
Patching with BlockTrapdoor.patch
Patching with BlockTripwire.patch
Patching with BlockTripwireHook.patch
Patching with BlockVine.patch
Patching with BlockWaterLily.patch
Patching with ChatBaseComponent.patch
Patching with ChatModifier.patch
Patching with Chunk.patch
Patching with ChunkProviderGenerate.patch
Patching with ChunkProviderServer.patch
Patching with ChunkRegionLoader.patch
Patching with ChunkSection.patch
Patching with CommandBlockListenerAbstract.patch
Patching with CommandDebug.patch
Patching with CommandExecute.patch
Patching with CommandGamemode.patch
Patching with CommandGamerule.patch
Patching with CommandSpreadPlayers.patch
Patching with CommandTeleport.patch
Patching with CommandTp.patch
Patching with Container.patch
Patching with ContainerAnvil.patch
Patching with ContainerBeacon.patch
Patching with ContainerBrewingStand.patch
Patching with ContainerChest.patch
Patching with ContainerDispenser.patch
Patching with ContainerEnchantTable.patch
Patching with ContainerFurnace.patch
Patching with ContainerHopper.patch
Patching with ContainerHorse.patch
Patching with ContainerMerchant.patch
Patching with ContainerPlayer.patch
Patching with ContainerShulkerBox.patch
Patching with ContainerWorkbench.patch
Patching with CraftingManager.patch
Patching with CrashReport.patch
Patching with CustomFunction.patch
Patching with CustomFunctionData.patch
Patching with DamageSource.patch
Patching with DataInspectorBlockEntity.patch
Patching with DataPaletteBlock.patch
Patching with DataWatcher.patch
Patching with DedicatedServer.patch
Patching with DispenseBehaviorItem.patch
Patching with DispenseBehaviorProjectile.patch
Patching with DispenserRegistry.patch
Patching with DragonControllerManager.patch
Patching with Enchantment.patch
Patching with EnchantmentFrostWalker.patch
Patching with EnchantmentThorns.patch
Patching with Entity.patch
Patching with EntityAgeable.patch
Patching with EntityAnimal.patch
Patching with EntityAreaEffectCloud.patch
Patching with EntityArmorStand.patch
Patching with EntityArrow.patch
Patching with EntityBoat.patch
Patching with EntityChicken.patch
Patching with EntityCow.patch
Patching with EntityCreature.patch
Patching with EntityCreeper.patch
Patching with EntityDamageSourceIndirect.patch
Patching with EntityEgg.patch
Patching with EntityEnderCrystal.patch
Patching with EntityEnderDragon.patch
Patching with EntityEnderman.patch
Patching with EntityEnderPearl.patch
Patching with EntityEnderSignal.patch
Patching with EntityEvokerFangs.patch
Patching with EntityExperienceOrb.patch
Patching with EntityFallingBlock.patch
Patching with EntityFireball.patch
Patching with EntityFireworks.patch
Patching with EntityFishingHook.patch
Patching with EntityGhast.patch
Patching with EntityHanging.patch
Patching with EntityHorseAbstract.patch
Patching with EntityHorseChestedAbstract.patch
Patching with EntityHuman.patch
Patching with EntityInsentient.patch
Patching with EntityIronGolem.patch
Patching with EntityItem.patch
Patching with EntityItemFrame.patch
Patching with EntityLargeFireball.patch
Patching with EntityLeash.patch
Patching with EntityLightning.patch
Patching with EntityLiving.patch
Patching with EntityLlamaSpit.patch
Patching with EntityMinecartAbstract.patch
Patching with EntityMinecartCommandBlock.patch
Patching with EntityMinecartContainer.patch
Patching with EntityMonster.patch
Patching with EntityMushroomCow.patch
Patching with EntityOcelot.patch
Patching with EntityPainting.patch
Patching with EntityParrot.patch
Patching with EntityPig.patch
Patching with EntityPlayer.patch
Patching with EntityPotion.patch
Patching with EntityProjectile.patch
Patching with EntityRabbit.patch
Patching with EntitySheep.patch
Patching with EntityShulker.patch
Patching with EntityShulkerBullet.patch
Patching with EntitySilverfish.patch
Patching with EntitySkeleton.patch
Patching with EntitySkeletonAbstract.patch
Patching with EntitySkeletonWither.patch
Patching with EntitySlice.patch
Patching with EntitySlime.patch
Patching with EntitySmallFireball.patch
Patching with EntitySnowman.patch
Patching with EntitySpider.patch
Patching with EntityThrownExpBottle.patch
Patching with EntityTippedArrow.patch
Patching with EntityTNTPrimed.patch
Patching with EntityTracker.patch
Patching with EntityTrackerEntry.patch
Patching with EntityVex.patch
Patching with EntityVillager.patch
Patching with EntityWither.patch
Patching with EntityWitherSkull.patch
Patching with EntityWolf.patch
Patching with EntityZombie.patch
Patching with EntityZombieVillager.patch
Patching with ExpirableListEntry.patch
Patching with Explosion.patch
Patching with FoodMetaData.patch
Patching with HandshakeListener.patch
Patching with IDataManager.patch
Patching with IInventory.patch
Patching with InventoryCrafting.patch
Patching with InventoryCraftResult.patch
Patching with InventoryEnderChest.patch
Patching with InventoryHorseChest.patch
Patching with InventoryLargeChest.patch
Patching with InventoryMerchant.patch
Patching with InventorySubcontainer.patch
Patching with IRecipe.patch
Patching with ItemArmor.patch
Patching with ItemBlock.patch
Patching with ItemBoat.patch
Patching with ItemBow.patch
Patching with ItemBucket.patch
Patching with ItemChorusFruit.patch
Patching with ItemDye.patch
Patching with ItemEnderPearl.patch
Patching with ItemFireball.patch
Patching with ItemFishingRod.patch
Patching with ItemFlintAndSteel.patch
Patching with ItemHanging.patch
Patching with ItemLeash.patch
Patching with ItemMinecart.patch
Patching with ItemMonsterEgg.patch
Patching with ItemRecord.patch
Patching with ItemRedstone.patch
Patching with ItemReed.patch
Patching with ItemSkull.patch
Patching with ItemSnowball.patch
Patching with ItemStack.patch
Patching with ItemWaterLily.patch
Patching with ItemWorldMap.patch
Patching with JsonList.patch
Patching with LoginListener.patch
Patching with MerchantRecipe.patch
Patching with MethodProfiler.patch
Patching with MinecraftServer.patch
Patching with MobEffectList.patch
Patching with MobSpawnerAbstract.patch
Patching with NameReferencingFileConverter.patch
Patching with NetworkManager.patch
Patching with PacketDataSerializer.patch
Patching with PacketPlayInCloseWindow.patch
Patching with PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.patch
Patching with PacketStatusListener.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalBreakDoor.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalBreed.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalDefendVillage.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalEatTile.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalFollowOwner.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalHorseTrap.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalHurtByTarget.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalMakeLove.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalNearestAttackableTarget.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalNearestAttackableTargetInsentient.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalOwnerHurtByTarget.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalOwnerHurtTarget.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalPanic.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalSit.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalTame.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalTarget.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalTargetNearestPlayer.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalTempt.patch
Patching with PathfinderGoalVillagerFarm.patch
Patching with PlayerChunk.patch
Patching with PlayerChunkMap.patch
Patching with PlayerConnection.patch
Patching with PlayerInteractManager.patch
Patching with PlayerInventory.patch
Patching with PlayerList.patch
Patching with PortalTravelAgent.patch
Patching with PropertyManager.patch
Patching with RecipeArmorDye.patch
Patching with RecipeBookClone.patch
Patching with RecipeFireworks.patch
Patching with RecipeMapClone.patch
Patching with RecipeRepair.patch
Patching with RecipesBanner.patch
Patching with RecipesFurnace.patch
Patching with RecipeShulkerBox.patch
Patching with RecipeTippedArrow.patch
Patching with RecipiesShield.patch
Patching with RegionFileCache.patch
Patching with RemoteControlCommandListener.patch
Patching with ScoreboardServer.patch
Patching with SecondaryWorldServer.patch
Patching with ShapedRecipes.patch
Patching with ShapelessRecipes.patch
Patching with SlotFurnaceResult.patch
Patching with SpawnerCreature.patch
Patching with StatisticManager.patch
Patching with TileEntity.patch
Patching with TileEntityBanner.patch
Patching with TileEntityBeacon.patch
Patching with TileEntityBrewingStand.patch
Patching with TileEntityChest.patch
Patching with TileEntityCommand.patch
Patching with TileEntityContainer.patch
Patching with TileEntityDispenser.patch
Patching with TileEntityEndGateway.patch
Patching with TileEntityFurnace.patch
Patching with TileEntityHopper.patch
Patching with TileEntityNote.patch
Patching with TileEntityShulkerBox.patch
Patching with TileEntitySign.patch
Patching with TileEntityStructure.patch
Patching with UserCache.patch
Patching with Village.patch
Patching with VillageSiege.patch
Patching with World.patch
Patching with WorldBorder.patch
Patching with WorldData.patch
Patching with WorldGenGroundBush.patch
Patching with WorldGenMegaTreeAbstract.patch
Patching with WorldGenRegistration.patch
Patching with WorldGenVillagePieces.patch
Patching with WorldManager.patch
Patching with WorldMap.patch
Patching with WorldNBTStorage.patch
Patching with WorldProviderHell.patch
Patching with WorldServer.patch
Compiling Bukkit
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Bukkit 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:2.5:clean (default-clean) @ bukkit ---
[INFO] Deleting C:\Users\우리가족\Downloads\스피곳_프리루트_1.5.2_서버구동기\Bukkit\target
[INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:2.6:resources (default-resources) @ bukkit ---
[INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources.
[INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory C:\Users\우리가족\Downloads\스피곳_프리루트_1.5.2_서버구동기\Bukkit\src\main\resources
[INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.7.0:compile (default-compile) @ bukkit ---
[INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module!
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] C:\Users\우리가족\Downloads\스피곳_프리루트_1\5\2_서버구동기\Bukkit\src\main\java\org\bukkit\event\entity\EntityDamageEvent.java:[167] The type java.util.function.Function cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
[INFO] 1 error
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 11.476 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-02-12T19:22:20+09:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 10M/158M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.7.0:compile (default-compile) on project bukkit: Compilation failure
[ERROR] C:\Users\우리가족\Downloads\스피곳_프리루트_1\5\2_서버구동기\Bukkit\src\main\java\org\bukkit\event\entity\EntityDamageEvent.java:[167] The type java.util.function.Function cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureException
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Error running command, return status !=0: [cmd.exe, /C, sh, C:\Users\우리가족\Downloads\스피곳_프리루트_1.5.2_서버구동기\apache-maven-3.5.0/bin/mvn, clean, install]
        at org.spigotmc.builder.Builder.runProcess0(Builder.java:639)
        at org.spigotmc.builder.Builder.runProcess(Builder.java:597)
        at org.spigotmc.builder.Builder.main(Builder.java:462)
        at org.spigotmc.builder.Bootstrap.main(Bootstrap.java:23)
계속하려면 아무 키나 누르십시오 . . .
라고 뜹니다.... 해결방법좀 알려주십시오


아무키나 눌러요

뉴스 및 창작물


마인크래프트 노트블록버전 『 봄을 고하다 (春を告げる) 』 [더블옥타브 버전]






마인크래프트 노트블록으로 만든 『 봄을 고하다 (春を告げる) 』 1






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